Under the Patronage of H.h. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai

February 16 – March 1, 2025
Dubai Duty Free tennis stadium
February 16 – March 1, 2025
Dubai Duty Free tennis stadium
February 25, 2017

Caroline Wozniacki – Press Conference

2017 Women's Singles Final: E. SVITOLINA/C. Wozniacki 6-4, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Tough to beat, isn’t she?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: Yeah. Yeah, she gets a lot of balls back. She mixed up the pace well. She did what she had to do today.


Q. What do you think was the difference out there in that match?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: Well, I think I started off really well. I feel like I was inside the court a lot. You know, I was dictating and playing well.

Then I kind of felt like I ran out of steam a little bit and she took advantage of that. She stepped it up a little bit, and that was kind of that, you know. I really tried hard. Obviously it’s frustrating when you see what you want to do out there and you just can’t do it. You know, that’s the most frustrating feeling.


Q. Was that because you have played so many matches, final of Doha last weekend and it finally caught up with you?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I definitely think that has a little bit to do it with it. She played really well, got a lot of balls back. She mixed up the pace when she needed to. She was serving better than me today.


Q. Two finals in two weeks. Half empty or half full?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: Well, I’m always a positive person, so I have to look at it on the positive side. You know, I think today was a more disappointing loss than last week. I felt like last week she really came out firing, and I really did my best and really tried really hard. She just played better than me.

Today I just felt like I was just lacking that 5%, especially in the beginning. I feel like if I had gotten, you know, maybe to 5-All or, you know, gotten a little bit closer in that first set, it could have been different. Definitely more disappointing loss today.


Q. Was there anything in particular that you felt execution-wise, if you had that 5%, on that one shot or tactically or something like that it would have made a difference?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: Yeah, maybe just getting to some balls a little bit quicker and that way putting a little bit more power behind the shots probably would have made a difference.

I did a lot of approach shots today, and just a little bit too little on those where she passed me at the net. She had good hands and really put them down low, so credit to her for that.

But at the same time, I feel like I probably should have popped on those balls a little bit more and that way given myself an easier volley.


Q. What do you think those two weeks have maybe told you about yourself and where your game is at at the moment?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: I think I’m playing great tennis. You know, I’m excited for the rest of the season. Hopefully I can stay healthy. That’s the main thing.

I can take a lot of positives with me from this week and move forward. I’m hoping for a good season.


Q. How is your thigh injury? What are your plans now before Indian Wells in terms of getting your fitness back?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: My thigh is fine. I’m going to take a few days off and start practicing mid next week, start getting ready for Indian Wells.

You know, this just needs a couple of days off, and I’ll be totally fine. It’s not a big deal. I think it’s just, you know, when you play that many matches in a row, it kind of tears on your body. I’m not 18 anymore, unfortunately (smiling).


Q. You have a handful of points to defend, you know, from here to the US Open. Is that something that’s kind of on your mind a little bit in terms of if you maintain this level, surge up the ranking, seems like just a matter of time?

CAROLINE WOZNIACKI: Yeah. I mean, if I play this well, as I have, then, you know, it’s just a matter of time before I really make that big step up the rankings. I have already done a big step these two weeks, you know, getting closer to where I want to be, and, you know, I think that’s key.

Yeah, I basically have nothing to defend until the US Open, so I guess that’s the positive thing about last year (smiling).

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